Free the web from algorithms and give it back to the users. Let's restore the human internet.
If you are old enough to remember the turn of the millennium, then you remember a time when the internet was a much simpler place.
Bookmark brings you that internet back. Instead of an internet controlled by a tiny handful of corporations, Bookmark is building alternative infrastructure to disrupt the power dynamic.
We empower users to have more control over their own data and digital assets and recreate the internet, powered by people.
Bookmark is designed to attract, filter and reward the best the internet has to offer. With Lightning payments, users are rewarded for archiving, curating, and sharing knowledge.
Together, we preserve the value of the past for the benefit of the future.
Join the human internet -
Looks promising. Might I suggest you create the ability to log in through LN so that no need for email/password? Perhaps you can model it after the log in method available here on SN?
Welcome aboard!