Twitter is broken, and I doubt Elon will try to fix it.
For instance, I just searched Twitter for a youtube video. There is a Tweet with the URL, but Twitter search won't return that Tweet in the results. Whether that is because of a "shadow ban", or deboost, or whatever they call it. ... that's the vestiges of Twitter censorship that remains.
I'll give Musk a temporary pass for now as he just took over and in the month or so since, literally well more than half of the company's staff is no longer there.
But the fact that they have systems that do that crap, for nonsense reasons, tells me that Twitter is just utterly broken. I still have to use it as I wait for its replacement by something better (maybe nostr?). Mastodon is not the solution either, although I do still use that too yet -- but it is flawed as well. For instance, the Mastodon instance hosting some core developers and the Bitcoin Optech bot as well has been included on a "blocklist" and is no longer accessible by a good chunk of the Fediverse.
Crap like that is why rather than trying to inject liberty into closed systems, effort should be spent building free (as in free speech) systems and let the closed systems figure out that they must adopt or die.
You are right. Musk and his team of developers have a hell of a job to do. I am not a developer so I just can hope they will get along with these cracks. The platform plays a too important role in the fight for free expression to give it up like that.