Thanks for the feature request. Curious what others think, but here are my thoughts ...
  1. The original author adds a comment to their original documents, such as a reply on the very same Twitter thread, or a comment in the blog post, with a direct linking to the link discussion here
What percentage of authors do you think will do this? I'd say even 10% is optimistic.
  1. Stacker News cross-matches the original content author account with the SN account
This is probably more complicated than it sounds.
As is, if authors are known to be here, many of us forward sats to them already. E.g. @kr forwarded this to @roy yesterday: #97032.
Also as is, if they aren't forwarded the sats to start but comment on the post, they can be tipped the deserved sats from the OP. The fact that this doesn't happen very often today would lead me to believe (3) is even less likely to occur as it's basically the same thing with more steps.
These are just my initial thoughts though.
Automatic attribution is not easy but perhaps something can be worked out. Here I proposed to reduce the sats earn for the link post, splitting them with the author. A simple meta tag on the page can activate the sats forward.
Here I add: if the linked page is not already connected to SN all the sats are freezed until SN is able to pay the author. Consequentially the poster is highly incentivized to contact the author and convince him to join SN and add the meta, so he can withdraw his already owned sats, earn more in the future and help the community. All the parts win, included SN that can outsource the onboard work with this "smart contract" trick.
I suspect this pattern will improve the post quality too, reducing low effort posts.
My two sats :)