Hi all! I’m just discovering this app via Fountain… super cool idea!
Recently via a Twitter comment I saw, I discovered that Lightning Network / Lightning Labs was somehow connected to the World Economic Forum. It is even listed on their website ( https://www.weforum.org/organizations/lightning-labs )
What is up with that!? Should I / we be concerned? Is this some sort of trojan horse? Or is Lightning Labs just working with them to acquire funds? I want nothing to do with the WEF and their disturbing plans for our future!
Please, someone out there, ease my contentions with this!
They named us a "technology pioneer" in 2020. I've never been to any WEF events and I'm not affiliated with them. 🤷🏻‍♀️
See also another post, found here on SN, with many more comments on this:
Make no mistake! WEF started a big war against Bitcoin #11982
At this point if the WEF really wants to wage psychological warfare on us, they can just start listing a bunch of our projects on their websites and pretending they like us. It would freak out the entire Bitcoin space.
Shit I shouldn't give them ideas
Thank you!! This certainly eases some concerns!
Lightning Network is a spec, not a company. Lightning Labs claims they have no relationship.
Username checks out. Looks like your brain has been a bit too busy.
No, but it is a threat to their banking interests.
They can't fight it directly, but they can "grease the rails" by investing in a number of projects in the space to try and influence it's direction.
This manifests in attacks like Bolt12, ECash, WebLN, Slashtags etc that abstract away Lightning at the edges so they can weasel their shitcoins into wallets.
Lightning is supposed to be for small amounts of money anyway.
Anything interesting should be kept on-chain in your own cold storage.
Да. достаточно ускорить время меду блоками... сначала сделать 9 минут... так как инфляция нас уже не интересует... потом и 8 минут... я вот не вижу смысла держать 10 минут как принцип. давай это делать за 1 секунду. что мешает?
Maybe LN is the Trojan Horse that the Davos-Commies are drawing into their stinking castle??
Being an open network, it may be that some nodes are allied to the WEF, but in no way would the 2nd layer of the most important protocol created in humanity be linked or compromised with this den of reptiles.
Without a doubt, this idea would be a Trojan horse and not the Lightning Network, because it runs independent nodes. It would be more fair and true to understand that all other shitcoin projects are tied to the WEF. The main one is Ethereum.
это все что они смогли придумать и разработать! 2 слой...))) но это так не работает)))) все можно делать на 1 слое) для этого нужно быстрое время блока... самое логичное...
Good question