One of the fundamental reasons Michael Saylor attributes to why he selected Bitcoin as his primary wealth preserving vehicle he repeatedly referenced the outcome of the Fork Wars.
This is because Bitcoin demonstrating its ability to survive Black Swans is ultimately the reason why it has monetary value. Bitcoin's only promise is to exist.
Tick tock next block time chain don't stop.
It is good for Bitcoin to be hit by adverse events and continue to just exist. As the media calls for the end of crypto prominence and the industry is painted with a broad brush of grifting shame the only thing that matters is whether Bitcoin's ossified characteristics remain the same.
That is why it is the purest form of property and has the potential of being the hardest money humanity has ever discovered.
Hopefully this contagion ends the crypto and defi grift and even as US regulators bear down on the industry the one thing I'm confident in is Bitcoin continuing to exist and not compromising on its rules. Bitcoin regulates the worlds incentives by being sound money...stack sats and stay humble everyone.
Hopefully this contagion ends the crypto and defi grift and even as US regulators bear down on the industry the one thing I'm confident in is Bitcoin continuing to exist and not compromising on its rules
Ironically, US regulators trying to bring down Bitcoin could be the very thing that helps Bitcoin and kills shitcoins
I hadn't thought of it like this. The game-theory around Bitcoin is fascinating!
Bitcoin antifragility in action!
Absolutely, each Black Swan rewards those humble enough to self custody and stack sats, while the rest learn a valuable lesson. The value is moving to those who are the most responsible in society so how can that be a bad thing?
No one said transitions are painless
If we look at it from the other side, Bitcoin is the biggest black swan in thousands of years -- perhaps bigger than the Late Bronze Age Collapse.
Thanks for sharing
The lower the tide goes out, the more shitcoin circle jerks are exposed with dicks in hand.
главное что б это не привело к разбору между человеком и Искуственным интелектом.