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Here's a quick guide for users who want to defend themselves against dust attacks:
  • Use Wasabi Wallet
  • Change the dust blocker setting to a value that is at least as high as the coinjoin minimum
That is good, but is not enough. Better prevent it than deal with consequences...
What's enough?
prevent it
And one of the options would be not spending it: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/117606/can-simply-not-spending-the-dust-thwart-dusting-attacks Another one would be to not post your BTC addresses on public places (donations etc). Another option would be to use as much as you can LN and limit your onchain footprint exclusively to open/close channels, using also taproot channels or any other methods as decoys... see #909079
Do not do DCA for small amounts onchain. Go all in once and forget, then just transact over LN.