This term, I will have one of my colleagues to partner me for one of my classes. The reason is that her graduating students are attached to various companies for their work attachment programme, so her timetable is relatively freer.
Some teachers, even veteran ones, baulk at the idea of having a colleague observe their lesson because come on, let’s face it. We are all scared of getting judged by our peers. This is where I differ from my counterparts. **I relish the idea of having another teacher help me because this gives me the impetus to pump in more effort for my lessons.”
Knowing that there is another educator observing my every move made me relegate all my responsibilities to one side and solely focus on lesson planning. I wanted to revise the prefix un- with my charges so that I could demonstrate how to do the following steps for my co-worker.
It took me 3 periods (1.5 hours) to settle everything, including:
- making and laminating a morpheme card for un-
- selecting words that I can use to demonstrate syllabication: unaware, unattached, unfashionable, unbelievable, unfamiliar, unforgettable
- coming up with sentences that use some of my target words in context
- jumbling up the order of the words in the sentences so that my students can rearrange them in order
Honestly, I kinda rue the way I spent all my free periods preparing for this lesson and casting my other professional duties aside. (I also recognise the irony in me saying this. But ya even though the main responsibility of a teacher is to teach, he is just too bogged down by other things to have the headspace to care about his teaching.) But I guess it wasn’t time wasted, because my co-worker gave me good feedback at the end of the day.
Thank you for reading my A+ game.