Jesus told parables to teach His disciples spiritual truth. In each parable, he used truth about the physical world that was well known and accepted by the audience. He used mankind’s innate knowledge about the reality of earthly life to teach them about the reality of spiritual life. The word “parable” itself comes from the Greek word to “throw to the side”, highlighting the comparison between spiritual and physical. In Matthew 20:1-16, often titled the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Jesus uses economic truth to teach what the Kingdom of God is like. Does it encourage you to know that the Kingdom of God, in many ways, mirrors the earthly kingdoms we live in? It does that for me.
The earthly truth which Jesus embeds in this parable is that subjective value and private property rights for an individual are right, lawful, and good. This should be remembered whenever someone speaks ill of natural rights or individualism, or when reading passages such as Romans 13:1-4 and 1 Peter 2:13-16.