The NerdOCTAXEγ is a 8-Asic version of the NerdQAxe++ with Nerdminer / Nerdaxe Display and is running the BitAxe Firmware as its Core.
It runs standalone and uses 8 ASICs of type BM1370 to achieve a Hashrate of ~9,5-10,5Th/s at about 160Watt + PSU (measured about 175Watts on wall with meanwell PSU)
-uses the NerdAxe / NerdMiner display
-4-Phase Buck
-Standalone, no Raspberry Pi or other PC needed
-AxeOS with improvements and enhancements - slightly modified version of ESP-Miner-NerdQAxe+
--Influx DB support
--Better charting (10m, 1h, 1d), data doesn't get lost on Web UI reloads
--ASIC clock and voltage adjustable without reboot
The NerdOCTAXEγ runs with a modified version of the AxeOS: ESP-Miner-NerdQAxe+ (Releases for NerdOCTAXE-Gamma)