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Standard Chartered has built a hypothetical version of the “Magnificent 7” tech index called “Mag 7B”—with bitcoin in and Tesla out—and found that it has higher returns and lower volatility than the original Mag 7 index.
These dumbs are actually accepting tongue in check that Bitcoin is the best. What a foolish foolish hypotheses! Why can't they replace all of Mag 7 with Bitcoin? Isn't it just all hypocrisy by the frauds? 😂
The picked Tesla because it was going down whereas all of "Malignant 7" don't even stand a chance to Outperform Bitcoin ever since 2009.
I mean if they want to accept it, why so much hypocrisy? Bitcoin outperformed all of them in its initial years ..... Now it has just crushed them.
What I find amusing is these fraudsters know that the fiat manipulation will soon be over, but they are not/can't accept it because of political fraud mates. 😜