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I'm heading to Las Vegas for a few days again, and I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations on where I can spend a few sats? I checked out BTC map before my last trip, and the few places listed were kind of out of the way and/or didn't turn out to encourage paying in bitcoin. I have a little extra time this trip.
I know the Bitcoin Magazine conference will be held there in a few months, so maybe things have changed for the better recently?
Vegas would be a great place to start a circular economy in the US.
Maybe the casinos would be willing to experiment with the Lightning Network?
Btw...what about Bitcoin Magazine (app)? It does not work for me for around 3 months ago...I have some sats there, but I can't acces the app :(
I don't know. I gave up on bitcoin magazine and the app a long while ago.
It’s pretty sparse out here, man.
Haven’t been able to get real connected with any businesses or merchants who prioritize it.
Really? That's sad. I wonder if Bitcoin 2025 will make a difference?
Vegas has no culture so it’s a pretty vapid environment for bitcoin to take root.
What about Wayne Newton?
I hope you'll find some places. When i was in Austin, the bitcoin dev capital of the US (sic) I was surprised/disappointed about how little options I had to spend sats in regular establishments~~
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @Wumbo 24 Mar
This is @siggy47 next week:
I have watched it so often and it still makes me laugh. I'm more likely to call my wife to say I forgot my CPAP machine.
You are going back? Is it for vacation?
It's an old man retirement trip with my buddies.
Good luck if you gamble. I heard the shows are pretty good.
No gambling or shows. We're just there for the Sphere. We're old deadheads - fans of the Grateful Dead.