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Presidential Elections Only0.0%
36 votes \ poll ended
I haven't voted for over 10 years now. After seeing the atrocities that states commit regularly, I don't want even the slightest association with any state. Afterall, if the voters are truly in charge of the State, then the voters are responsible for whatever the State does.
I feel you but if you don’t vote, you’re putting others interests before your own. Even if both candidates suck, choosing the lesser evil is important. Many problems we have are because we have such poor voter turnout.
Voter turnout is a proportional vote of confidence in the State itself. The more people vote, the more the State feels it has justification to multiply it's atrocities.
Lot of content in that Wikipedia link, what were you referring to specifically?
The atrocities of the Yemen war are neatly summarized in the Casualties and Losses part of the right-hand sidebar (sorry, there's no link for that). Notice that over 377,000 civilians have been killed and over 4 million have been displaced.
The US is providing money, weapons, logistics, and intel to the Saudi-led coalition. It is a US war in every way except the flag on the uniforms of the troops on the ground.
Thanks I get your point. If you are a US citizen, voting is a way you can influence some of the people making these decisions (I.e. maybe Bernie wouldn’t have funded Saudis like this) so I don’t think people voting is a real influence here
The world is a big place, and bitcoin is for the entire world.
I know @nullama just wanted to see how many bitcoiners here in the states actually vote wish there was a way to do a poll only for users of a specific location maybe that could be a thing in the future
How can I change my vote? I voted no but now I have to vote yes
YES but it feels old and awkward and it doesent feel right thats all
Nope not USA
european -.-
Yes and I fought the false impression that it was meaningful or properly handled or that somehow the results are explainable by an after the fact explanation. Therefore my conclusion remains that the election system is broken and should be fully transparent, traceable and auditable.
You can have all the voting integrity in the world, but that will have no effect on the State. Here are two extremely important laws that were written by one party and later passed by the other party:
  • The Affordable Care Act was written by Republicans in the 90s and passed by Democrats in the late 00's. (source)
  • The Patriot Act was originally written by Joe Biden in the 90s and then passed by Republicans in the 00's. (source1 source2)
True. A democratic republic is generally a mix of the worst of either form of government, much like socialism is a mix of communism and fascism disguised as the free market.
Is there any place doing blockchain based voting? Wonder if it could be a thing in the US - geez imagine if everyone voted because they could do it from their app and trace it and verify - world would be an incredible place
I'm not American, couldn't.
Yeah I went into the Viper's Pit - The local City Hall where all of your fat-assed "liberated" haughty boomer women and their emasculated underlings sit and get paid to fill the hole of the Patriarchy that built the institutions with The Control Issues of the Childless Mother... LMAO !
Entirely feminized society and discourse...
Good luck with that but I will just tell you ... the whole fucking thing is going down . It's just a matter of NATURE and TIME .
Butt-clenching tongue-biting brown nosers get NOTHING ! And thats what your country has become... may it burn .
It does feel pointless to vote but it’s still a chance to choose your representation. I’m pretty sure people in North Korea had this privilege
You work solely to pay the government 6 months out of the year. For that, you get a multiple-choice questionaire every couple of years where you don't even get to pick the questions. Voting doesn't matter. What really, really does matter is owning and using bitcoin outside of the slavery dollar system.