Unnecessary explanation how I got the idea for this post1:
While I was at the laundromat today, I saw a cockroach lying on its back. I thought it was dead because it wasn’t moving.
Imagine dying because someone flipped you over.
However, the next time I looked at it, it was moving. I know I am probably anthropomorphizing, but the way it moved made it seem as if it were caught between accepting death and manically trying to get back on its feet and survive. I mean, there was nothing else for it to do.
At some point though, it stopped moving its legs and only moved its antlers. I think it was trying to touch the wall at the opposite end, as if it just wanted to feel something—anything—before the inevitable end. It was truly tragic.
Then I forgot about it because I got reminded me of this quote:
They are like cockroaches. They survive everything.
Another player said it during one of my best gaming moments, which was this one:
The gameplay is unfortunately but obviously in German. The automated translation is okay, but since I really want you to experience as closely as possible why this is one of my best gaming moment, here's my manual translation with timestamps:
0:04 | Squad Leader (SL): What can you see over there?0:07 | Me: I see absolutely nothing in the south.0:12 | Squad Mate (SM): Northeast all clear.0:15 | SL: Humvee driver?0:18 | Humvee: Yo?0:19 | SL: What's your status?0:21 | Humvee: Enemies in the radio station.0:26 | SL: Check (acknowledges they heard the reply)0:29 | SL: Then shoot at them with your MG.not sure the driver heard because there was no reply and no sounds of him shooting in the distance0:38 | SM: Should we continue to the radio station or what's the plan?0:41 | SL: Standby, we will wait here for now and close this up again. Logistics are on their way. (He means to rebuild our fortifications.)0:55 | SL: Up to three men can advance though.0:59 | SM: Movement! There is someone running on a wall, 120° East.me completely surprised by this sudden callout and trying to spot the enemy1:05 | SL: Taking back my order, get on your positions, we're about to meet the enemy!1:09 | Me: Yes, can confirm, multiple enemies spotted, at least two. Permission to fire? small chuckle from me because of how serious we're playing, haha1:15 | Humvee: Enemy BTR destroyed. (He's somewhere else on the map.)1:17 | SM: I have them in the crosshairs of my MG, I could shoot them right now!! literally stutters because he's so excited1:21 | Me (again): Do we have permission to fire now?SL still distracted, probably by comms with other squad leaders that we can't hear1:24 | SM: PERMISSION TO FIRE OR NOT?! PERMISSION TO FIRE OR NOT?!1:25 | SL: LIGHT THEM UP!7 people start shooting simultaneously and light the enemy up like a Christmas tree and a grenade explodes as a short round1:31 | Me: 100 (calling out the current direction of the enemy which is 100° East)1:35 | everybody reloads1:37 | SM: If they survived that ...1:40 | Other SM: They are like cockroaches, they survive everything.
I have two additional great gaming moments though:
- I did the final kill by grappling them mid-air and then punching them:
- I killed the entire enemy team by myself while apparently having mouse issues in the beginning:
What are some of your best gaming moments?
I think I'll go to the laundromat tomorrow just to see if the inspiring cockroach is still there.
I guess I just like to share how my brain comes up with random post ideas. ↩