pull down to refresh

it's ok, this is really testing my knowledge on server maintenance though 😅
Let's force it! sudo apt-get purge mysql-* mariadb-* sudo rm -rf /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql /var/log/mysql /tmp/mysql.sock
Then continue with reinstalling mysql sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mysql-server-8.0
And finger crossed will be running! sudo systemctl status mysql
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Such relief... great! btw, maybe previous database now lost. But I assume you have still a backup/snapshot from the initial state.
Let's try again with cloudPanel
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is mysql running? sudo systemctl status mysql?
Let's also clean previous cloudpanel installation: sudo dpkg --remove --force-all cloudpanel
Then sudo apt-get install -f sudo dpkg --configure -a to repair possible broken packages
and remove cp sudo rm -rf /etc/cloudpanel /opt/cloudpanel
no, it's inactive; and curious how to active it again?
sudo systemctl start mysql