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144 sats \ 1 reply \ @justin_shocknet 23 Mar
As a homeschool family most people we meet tell us they either want to or wish they could. It's almost unanimous now, outside the expected cohort... Everyone that can hold a conversation has an anecdote as to what disillusioned them with public ed.
But these people still question their ability for various reasons, be they financial, aptitude, or other self-doubt.
New homeschoolers we meet in groups are so often struggling with the self-doubt and are terrified of doing it "wrong".
It's almost always irrational, or seeded in an overall lack of agency.
I say to anyone on the fence, there's no surer way to fail your child than to fail by not even trying. You absolutely can do it.
117 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 23 Mar
Yeah, this has been my experience as well. Mine last one is finishing his final year of HS home schooled and the resources available today far exceed what most so called public schools can provide.
I think finding a group of experience parents is the big key to getting over the hump. Here's the deal parents have to realize. No matter what you have heard NO ONE cares more about your child than you do. That alone should push you over the hump and try. Even if it isn't home schooling. Maybe its some sort of hybrid or private school. Public schools are absolutely terrible in most places.