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Yeah, just fire up those magic money machines that Elon just discovered.
Or, how about this novel finance idea? Let the Treasury's account at the Fed go negative. I don't even know what that means, but they haven't let that stop them before.
Let it go negative... How would that even work?
No idea, but apparently the MMTers have already proposed it.
I was inspired by this bonkers graph, that I also don't understand the ramifications of:
I don't know. Is this associated with the rapid increase in interest rates in 21-22?
It is, but the weird part is that conceptually the minimum value of that thing is zero (unless the Treasury is writing the Fed massive reverse remittance checks).
again, have heard the MMTers suggest that too. (would be a nice validation test for them, though)
Just when I think I've come up with a new dumb idea, those pesky MMTers have beaten me to it.