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Introducing an extremely stacker news production: snz, a weekly zine

It features top stories and comments, Meme Monday, Art and other stuff that I like.
It all started when k00b wrote me, saying, I was inspired by the death of this guy: #911349
I’d love getting a weekly pleb-fashioned (cheap) bitcoin zine in the mail. If I had more hours, I’d make a physical version of our newsletter
I'm the pleb that does art and has time, so we quickly noticed it could be a good job for me.
I love stacker news. I’m excited to contribute and make something to share with everyone.
Is this zine pleb-fashioned? You betcha. Read more about how I think about making art and being pleb - Pleb Crafts

So do you want to see your posts in print?

Tell us what you think a stacker news zine could include and we'll consider it. More info coming about available prints - there will be but a scarce few.
And tell me how you like issue #0! @Scoresby @jasonb @justin_shocknet @Jon_Hodl @PictureRoom - It should be especially interesting to you!
Amazing. Just that. I run a weekly newsletter as well, would love to one day print some like these for mine. Cheers!
Design is sooo good. Nailed it!
I love your goal-oriented nature haha
I very much enjoyed the read. Usually I would skip these techy posts, but somehow the vintage/looking font n cute illustrations hooked me in, and I scanned through them. 👍
I would love if we could have a Letters to Editor column. Like the first few pages of a Reader’s Dogest copy. People write in to expound on their thoughts on a particular article
Aw amazing and I love this idea! thanks sensei!
More power to you!
1194 sats \ 1 reply \ @Design_r 22 Mar
Today I printed it out! But first I had to go and make some changes in the shared PDF:
  1. Add page numbers
  2. Adjust colors and add printing marks from https://www.presspdf.com/check_view.php
  3. Split PDF pages down the middle to single page layout, A4 to double A5 using https://www.sejda.com/split-pdf-down-the-middle
  4. Reassemble the PDF to be printed as booklet at https://bookletfree.com/
Pretty cool results! @plebpoet would be possible to have the PDF as booklet next time?
awesome!!! yes that will be available, in fact it is now at my github
Such great initiative! Well done 💪 why publish it on GH? There are many zine platforms and other places that also allow print-on-demand. It would be a great promo for @SN. One of the most known is blurb.com, just upload the PDF and sell copies on demand, here and example. No cost for the publisher, just free advertising!
Some feedback from a ~Design perspective:
  • The font could be unified aligned with SN Brand Marketing Guide #786223 for example:
    • Font: any web standard sans-serif like Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Noto Sans, Liberation Sans, or in the worst case Arial.
  • Instead of using different fonts for H1, meta and text, I'd use different colors and fonts-size
  • Also colors could be aligned to mime the web experience:
    • light: #f0f0f0 translated to CMYK for print is (0%, 0%, 0%, 5.88%)
    • dark: #121214 is (10%, 10%, 0%, 92.16%)
  • I'm also personally missing the SN yellow here and there!
I like the fact that you shared the PDF, anyone could easily print it at home eve with a B&W laser printer on A4/Letter paper format. Is the original format of the closed zine A5 (half Letter)?
If you could share the source file on Figma or PenPot I'd love to contribute!
Is what that cover makes me think.
This is awesome. Maybe photography section for the all the SN photographers we have.
44 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 23 Mar
This is a really cool way to look at the explosion, thank you for sharing
Quel spectacle!
Yoooo this is sick. I'd love to contribute some how??!
Very cool idea. I haven’t read it yet cause I can’t seem to figure out how to view pdfs on mobile but I will later.
You ought to check out screenbreak to put this kind of stuff into print for sale.
As a SN maxi I will buy a print copy
This is such a great idea! I'm eager to throw sats at you for doing this.
What's best about Stacker News isn't the high quality posts, it's the high quality discussions. If you could curate and edit a selection of the best discussions during the week, including the post they're based around, that would be incredible.
231 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 21 Mar
We are just kind of winging it with what content to put in it. Maybe we could add the post with the most comments every week too.
That'll just be me and @grayruby talking about random sports stuff.
I think that selection will require some serious editorial discretion, but if you can distill the most interesting comments into something that reads like a coherent conversation, it would be very valuable for people who don't have the time to sort through some of the large discussion threads.
Basically, I'm thinking of a more refined and polished version of how you discuss posts on SNL, using the text of the posts and comments as much as possible.
I love this idea - an interesting take on the unsolved problem of making discussions in general the unit of concern, vs posts. Curating it in an independent medium could inspire.
I'm glad you can see the vision. It wouldn't just be sharing Stacker News content in print. It could really enhance what was created here.
You could even get more meta - themes vs posts / comments. How do different things relate to each other and form some larger movement?
Think Lapham's Quarterly.
So many cool directions it could go in. How else could one/offline support each other? I love seeing this kind of creativity unfold.
This is so cool!!
If you have physical copies available I'd love to purchase one.
I think if a digital version of the same idea... a highly productionized presentation of weekly top posts, memes, etc -- could be made into a webpage, that would also really help with Stacker News' overall reach.
One feedback, I'd really love it if SN's yellow color theme could show through a bit more in the final product!
1123 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 21 Mar
If you have physical copies available I'd love to purchase one.
We plan to produce and ship one every week. We are still trying to figure out how much it'll cost to print them.
I think if a digital version of the same idea... a highly productionized presentation of weekly top posts, memes, etc -- could be made into a webpage, that would also really help with Stacker News' overall reach.
Yep, definitely planned.
One feedback, I'd really love it if SN's yellow color theme could show through a bit more in the final product!
I think pleb poet is planning to print these on yellow paper.
Phone book yellow pages paper?
more striking than that, hopefully this was an early idea
I think I'd prefer something a little less striking haha
Not too sure about donig a digital version. I think the whole allure about doing this is to have something tangabile. I've never been a fan of online books, personally.
Nice work pleb poet. Love the aesthetic design.
Tell us what you think a stacker news zine could include and we'll consider it.
Agora classifieds section?
Fantastic work! Are you going to set up subscriptions?
600 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 21 Mar
Yes, I think we'll use Zaprite.
We are waiting on print cost estimates, but I suspect we'll be able to do $3 for a single issue (with free shipping) and maybe $10/mo to get all 4 issues every month.
Ahh cool
Free shipping to US only I guess?
If that's true, can we locally publish it to distribute around?
Free shipping to US only I guess?
Maybe idk yet.
If that's true, can we locally publish it to distribute around?
Great idea
Wow, you clearly put a lot of work into it. I just glanced over it quickly because I don't have time to read it at the moment. It looks incredible.
Tomorrow I start a 30 hour road trip spanning 4 days following a flight home, so I bookmarked this. It will be a nice treat for me especially because I'm going to have a lot of downtime.
Well done.
Drive safe
Thanks! It shouldn't be a problem, I'm a professional after all. 😁
Excellent work plebpoet! 👏👏 I love it. Just one thing more I wanted to see there. Why not add a bit of info about territories or more posts with just headings what people can read online?
I think that's a good thought, for sure and would love to get territory founders involved. Question for you, do you think it would be cool to have qr codes throughout that took you to posts?
Great work and look forward to seeing more
This is mind blowing. I had thoughts of printing a few posts and distributing them to a few. But now this is much much better. Tell me if the printed copy is free shipping to India or can I get the print without objections?
not sure how we'll do international shipping yet for now would recommend you to print it yourself I'll make instructions for this
This looks great, well done!
Great! Printed copy for me
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @jasonb 18h
Oh cool!! I just saw this. So is there a way to get these outside of Austin?
I’d love to see the latest book reviews from ~BooksAndArticles included in there!
heard that!!
I just noticed your GitHub username. Are you related to Austin Kelsay? I’ve seen his name around here a lot
oh hey haha yeah