Introducing an extremely stacker news production: snz, a weekly zine
It features top stories and comments, Meme Monday, Art and other stuff that I like.
It all started when
k00b wrote me, saying,
I was inspired by the death of this guy: #911349
I’d love getting a weekly pleb-fashioned (cheap) bitcoin zine in the mail. If I had more hours, I’d make a physical version of our newsletter
I'm the pleb that does art and has time, so we quickly noticed it could be a good job for me.
I love stacker news. I’m excited to contribute and make something to share with everyone.
Is this zine pleb-fashioned? You betcha.
Read more about how I think about making art and being pleb - Pleb Crafts
So do you want to see your posts in print?
Tell us what you think a stacker news zine could include and we'll consider it.
More info coming about available prints - there will be but a scarce few.
And tell me how you like issue #0!
@Scoresby @jasonb @justin_shocknet @Jon_Hodl @PictureRoom - It should be especially interesting to you!
translated to CMYK for print is (0%, 0%, 0%, 5.88%)#121214
is (10%, 10%, 0%, 92.16%)