People nowadays are bloated on excess, what I like to call unanchored, information; that is, information that floats on the surface, like a life-raft getting pushed this way by the wind, pulled that way by the tide only to get swept away during the next storm.
As an educator, my challenge is always in seeking to make the things I tech relevant, lest they should become unanchored in the minds of my pupils. ***to anchor what is learned makes it more like a buoy than the wayward life-raft in the sense that it reaches down the the depths of ancient wisdom, and stays put there. One will see it and know, there is something important below. There is something can be investigated further.
In the information-age we have unprecedented opportunity to become so ridiculously wealthy, in this sense.
Therefore, the title of this post should read: Anchored learning is our greatest asset; useless information leads to mental-bloat.
Our minds so quickly become exhausted by the needless onslaughts of things random people online think that we should find relevant. We are blown about in the storm.
Anchor what you do, read, listen to and consume in something great. Don't pursue needless mental errands. Have a mission and stick to it. Be single-minded, have tunnel-vision, get obsessed, but, I pray, don't be the wayward life-raft.