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There's definitely a major incongruity with how stuff is covered. It's a good question why there isn't more coverage of Russian atrocities, like there is for Israel's (for instance).
My best guess is that people are pushing back against the corporate press narrative, like you said, and not being careful enough about what they're actually consuming.
From what I can tell, the EU is earning it's new status as a villain, by consistently doing the wrong thing. Of course, I'm open to that being my own media bubble speaking.
The EU is painfully behind both the US and China in funding, capital creation, innovation, and technology and it shows. And i'm not a fan of how 'restrictive' the EU is on some things (like encryption) or kyc/non-kyc and they will only fall further behind because of it.
However I don't think the EU is evil.
At the end of the day people vote with their feet, and more and more folks will wind up in the US because it's the biggest market with the most opportunity.

I'm open to how anything is covered... but I don't accept Twitter as a source of news generally it is filled with nonsense
I don't accept Twitter as a source of news
That's a good policy and it's good to be on guard against people who are essentially just laundering unreliable Twitter news.
Twitter could be a great source of information, especially if it could tie in to other sources - newspapers, documentaries, educational programs, government, non-government...
But that's not the case currently. Since Elon bought Twitter the bot problem and spam problems have only become much, much worse and the whole platform is highly politicized.