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We released our implementation of the Ark protocol on signet today. If you're interested in trying out this new layer 2 and seeing how it can enable simple and self-custodial Lightning payments, it's a good time to check it out! We've even set up a "store" where you can spend your signet sats over Lightning :)
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 6h
So at the start Ark was planning to do coin join rounds every 5 seconds or so. Is that still in the protocol?
The protocol plans around round times drastically changed. We (Second) are currently thinking about 1 hour rounds, more or less. But you would only use rounds to refresh your own VTXOs when they are about to expire. To send payments, you can your arkoor or out-of-round transactions that are instant. (But don't worry the above signet Ark server does rounds every 10 seconds.)
When it comes to doing coinjoin rounds, that's currently not implemented.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @SwapMarket 6h
hmm. paying 100 sats bolt11 invoice costed 330 sats in fees! and boarding 10k from onchain costed the same 330 sats on top of tx fee. what are these?
12 sats \ 1 reply \ @SwapMarket 7h
hold on. so if my wallet goes offline for 24 hours all coins expire? will the mainnet be the same? kind of like a cbdc, but more cruel...
and does this depend of the server similar to cashus?
Hahaha, no, we definitely don't expect to have the same parameters for mainnet. We are thinking of an expiry time of somewhere around one or two months for an Ark with real bitcoin.
Payments and other interactions within the Ark rely on the server. But all users have a unilateral exit package for each VTXO that they can broadcast if the server disappears or goes rogue.
161 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 12h
Ark is literally building evidence of the utility of a soft fork while everyone else argues about it on Twitter.
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 12h
I think humanity is missing a way to coordinate realities
5 sats \ 1 reply \ @supratic 10h
There is an Ark wallet already somewhere to play with?
Nope, not yet. Not mobile at least. The OP is about a CLI wallet called bark, and it's on signet only for now. Mobile is our next milestone!
I might fire this up this weekend