What were the hardest technical difficulties to overcome in developing a lightning/btc application compared to conventional web 1/2 apps?
Figuring out how to talk to a lightning node and creating a package for LNURL-Auth was challenging, but to be honest I love it. Much better than integrating with Stripe where you need to spend weeks figuring out their rule for accepting money in different countries. The feeling you have of owning the money with no intermediaries is worth all the effort in the world!
any tutorials to get started please....
I don't know of any tutorials unfortunately. I used my lightning node + Polar (https://lightningpolar.com/) and started tinkering. If you already know how to build apps and web app, the easiest way would be to use a wrapped node like BTCPay Server or LNBits, and start talking to their APIs to create/receive transactions. That would probably be much easier to start.