The wife of a late NASA astronaut has shared fascinating insights into the stories he used to tell her about UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters.
Venturing into space is an extraordinary experience, one that only a privileged few will ever have the opportunity to undertake in their lifetimes. Naturally, these individuals have witnessed phenomena that most of us can only imagine.
But UFOs? According to the wife of an Apollo astronaut, her husband often spoke of such encounters during his time in space.
Anita Mitchell was married to the late NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who made history as the sixth man to walk on the moon in 1971. She revealed to the Daily Mail that her husband frequently shared stories of strange and unexplained sightings during his missions.
She recounted: “He always felt that there were UFOs out there, because so many of the pilots and astronauts had seen something.”
Anita also mentioned that some of Edgar’s fellow astronauts, including Apollo astronaut James McDivitt, reported seeing mysterious objects, such as unusual crafts, during their missions.
One particularly striking account came from Project Mercury astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper Jr., who attended a dinner party at the Mitchells’ home.
Anita recalled: “I remember Gordy telling us at a dinner party in our house that he had seen something. He said, ‘Listen, we have nothing that goes that fast and goes that high’.” Cooper, a veteran of the Mercury and Gemini programs, was among the pioneers of early space exploration.
Anita has amassed so many intriguing stories from former NASA astronauts that she decided to compile them into a new book titled ‘You Don’t Look Like An Astronaut’s Wife’. She was married to Edgar from 1973 to 1984, and the astronaut passed away in 2016.
Throughout his life, Edgar Mitchell was vocal about his belief in extraterrestrial life and urged the U.S. government to disclose any hidden information about UFOs to the public.