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The best way to increase your own trust score is to zap content early that you think other users will also zap in the future
This is lame. So your trust can suck because you don’t zap popular posts?
I think you either have to make popular posts or zap popular posts to build trust. (When you make a post and pay the fee to post, it's treated like you zapping your own post in the trust graph calculations).
I do think that's appropriate though. Trust is mainly used to rank posts, so it makes sense to give a higher trust to someone who tends to zap things other people like. And to the extent that daily rewards are meant to incentivize content discovery, it also makes sense to reward those who zap content that other people like.
That being said, I can see how this might be unfair to a good SN contributor who happens to have idiosyncratic preferences. If you have thoughts to share about how to improve the WoT, I'm sure k00b and ek are open to feedback.
But then you get into the debate popular vs. good. I Zap all kinds of stackers/posts/comments I zap new stackers just because. But now I know I am destroying my trust by zapping things that aren’t popular.
For example posting content that’s not Bitcoin related doesn’t get that many zaps. So if come to this site and I don’t care about bitcoin your trust can suffer.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 18 Mar
For example posting content that’s not Bitcoin related doesn’t get that many zaps.
You don't lose trust for posting unpopular stuff
These are fair points. If I'm reading the code correctly, your trust can go down from zapping posts that no one else zaps... but I think the effect seems like it would be very small. Still, I wonder if it's unintentional behavior. I do think there's room for an improved trust algorithm that rewards some of the behavior you describe.
For example posting content that’s not Bitcoin related doesn’t get that many zaps. So if come to this site and I don’t care about bitcoin your trust can suffer.
This part isn't true anymore, because all trust is territory specific.
Hey bud, I enjoy your content. Dont worry about your trust score, I will keep reading your content as long as it is the same quality.