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I've been simmering for a while on sending messages to a bunch of my favorite Soundcloud producers that I've been listening to for years, trying to introduce them to V4V
One of the questions I'm not sure about though is if MIXES work well in V4V land, since that's what a lot of them make.
Does Wavlake let you upload mixes, or do they have some rule it has to be original music?
Also, what tips do you have for sending cold messages to small producers to get them onboarded easily & efficiently?
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Do you mean mixes like DJ mixes of other people's music, or just your originals? I would say for the time being, it's best to upload just original music, because if you upload a cover and get a million zaps on it, none of that money will go to the original creators in the traditional world. Which even though this is a new space setting out to fix old problems, we still want to set the precedent of the original artists and songwriters getting paid.
TBH there isn't an easy cold message to send to people to onboard them, yet. Every time i've had to explain the space to someone its a three hour long coffee conversation. But I have no doubt we will get to a point where its easy enough to send a couple sentences explaining what the space is and is about.