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all of us frogs slowly boil until we die
Why us? We have bitcoin. It's the nocoiners that will slowly boil.
There's not enough bitcoiners. What happens if the dollar collapses and none of the nocoiners accept your bitcoin as payment?
Spot on.
makes you wonder though, what would the no-coiners accept for payment? barter or maybe just straight up pillaging
And bullets.
If the dollar hyperinflates, but still works, I'll be able to sell my sats for many dollars. And if it ceases to work altogether, they will have to accept something else for their products and services, something that actually works, and bitcoin is the most obvious choice.
It's not the most obvious choice for most people, or most people would own it.
It will become the most obvious choice.
Most people don't own it, because they don't need it.
People in countries that are facing hyperinflation NEED it, and most of them don't own it.
If the dollar collapses completely anytime soon, we're all fucked including bitcoiners.
The question you need to ask is what currency will be used for settlement of international trade payments. It has been predominantly the USD dating back to when the US dominated global trade and was the global reserved currency under Breton Woods. That time is over and who now dominates global trade and is increasingly using alternative trade payments protocols?