Another day out on the streets searching for interesting things to photograph. This time, my goal was to take street photos with people as the main focus, so I kept my eyes wide open for any interesting individuals to photograph.
Like this lady walking with a basket on her head, it amazed me how perfectly she did it!

I took the next photo because I saw the gentleman walking with a super interesting hat, and then upon closer inspection, I realized he was wearing some kind of sheriff's badge, impressive!

The next photo is of a homeless person, the interesting thing about the photo is that he was surrounded by his canine friends.

In contrast to the previous photo, a man walking his dogs...

Two ladies walking relaxed through the streets...

Electric utility workers apparently taking a break...

The typical kiosk on a Venezuelan street, the man in the photo was eating empanadas, which is a very typical Venezuelan food here, and next to him, the essential companion, sauces for the empanadas.

In another part of the city, I saw this gentleman walking with a very cool, classic style and his glasses.

Further down that same street, I came across a horse in the middle of the city, I found it quite curious!

The next two photos I'll show you are of fruit and vegetable markets that are very typical to find throughout the city, and these places usually have very cheap prices!

I hope you liked the photos as much as I did, thanks for watching!