Yeah I think democrat activists are switching from TDS to EDS. I think most of the public is inoculated against TDS after 8 years of orange man bad, but EDS seems quite effective in normie world, no defenses against it yet.
But non-normies can see all the same playbooks at play. Wouldn’t be surprised if we saw some crazy Russia-piss dossier rag but tailored for Elon come out soon
We live it odd times. I remember Elon being a darling of the left. I've never been a fan of him or his car company but this whole reaction is instructive on just how the US population is twisted up into pretzels because of politics and group think. The right does it as well of course. It's wild.
Carlin was right. People are dumb in groups. That's why they try to get us to use group think. We are easier to control that way.
We aren't taught these things in WW2 history. Facism was popular with the elite at the time. The whole Nazi thing is such a distraction away from the real driver in all wars and politics. Money and power.
We can't sully our US brands by being truthful about how they have long been global operations not American ones. I guess the Nazi troupe still works so they use it.
Been asking this for years. My main issue with Tesla cars is the software lockin.
That said, I can't even imagine the red tape involved in starting a car company. People worry about China eating out lunch. We've done it to ourselves by regulating so much that it kills innovation. Even so we still manage it. Some people seem to get that but most don't really see it.
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