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We took the plunge and got a dog today. She’s been very shy and scared all day. My daughter has been doing a very good job trying to make her feel at home, which I’ll cover in a Parent Corner.
Congratulations! She's a real cutie. We need details. How old? Rescue?
She's a little over a year old. She was actually born just a couple weeks after our dog died.
Not a rescue, but I'm also not sure how my wife found the lady we got her from. The rescue near us was being a pain about responding to our inquiries and our daughter was getting really excited to have a dog again.
47 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 16 Mar
With your daughter around she won't be starved for attention.
No, so far it’s quite the opposite.
What a cutie. Congratulations.
That's adorable. Is she making 'Jackie' a bead necklace?
She's showing her the bead necklaces that she made for her earlier in the day.
That's awesome. Congrats. I am sure your daughter will love her.
She already does, but she doesn't have much of a grasp of how little dogs understand of what's said to them.
Congrats on the new dog, your daughter will play till there is no tomorrow with that Jack. Enjoy Undisciplined
Thank you
It's good to know that there are still people in the world who are looking to give animals a new opportunity. I hope you give them the love and affection they need. I know your daughter will take care of that. Thank you for loving animals, my friend.
The lady who brought her to us pet her on the way out and told her "I hope you have a great life." That brought some tears to my eyes. We'll certainly try.
That is one of those moments when life confirms that you are doing very well, animals and children create a wonderful world, I hope you enjoy it.