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In international tests, student scores for reading and maths sunk to a new low.
US 18 year olds increasingly say they have trouble concentrating and learning new things
Almost half of US teens said they "hardly ever" spend their leisure time reading a book
The share of adults who are unable to “use mathematical reasoning when reviewing and evaluating the validity of statements” has reached
  • 25% in high-income countries
  • 35% in the US
iPhone came out in 2007
just sayin'
Welcome to Idiocene
IQ scores are definitely decreasing
Can we break it down by race and national origin?
I know you're not asking this as a genuine question. But the answer is that all "race based iq" narratives basically go away when you adjust for household wealth or income.
What’s more important to adjust, wealth or income?
Not true
Otherwise affirmative action would be based on income not race
My question is genuine.
There is a reason why you are ducking my question