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On the 28th October 2024 I wrote From Electricity to Heat to Truth: Pay-2-Post, Satoshis, and Cyberspace #742954
From my Post:
  • "...through the digitization of media and the revolution of AI, all of our lives will necessitate the management of energy through Cyberspace. Social media, messaging, email, text messages, website-verification, anti-DDoS, online interaction... all civilization is based on energy and the basic unit of friction and energy in Cyberspace is the sat. It's the logical foundation.
  • The basic unit of friction and energy in Cyberspace is the Sat..."
The Bitcoin Policy Institute hosted a "Bitcoin For America" summit on March 11, 2025 with Senator Lummis aside other lawmakers... as reported by The Hill:
Mike Saylor presented a Keynote in favor of the bill, arguing that BITCOIN is the 21st century "Digital Capital Network" of the world - which the United States should buy aggressively and front-run.
  • "Digital intelligence requires digital energy which has to be secured by digital power in order to engage in digital Commerce when I say digital Commerce I don't just mean buying trinkets on Amazon I mean moving all of the money and securing all the assets of the world I mean 950 trillion going to $4,000 trillion dollars of assets and it couldn't be clearer where that's headed right now. The unit of digital energy is the Satoshi the unit of digital power is the exa-hash."
(Also available here: https://x.com/saylor/status/1899965363376579070 @ ~ 20:08)
"...the unit of digital energy is the Satoshi the unit of digital power is the exa-hash."
Also from my Post:
  • "SHA-256 generates heat, a LOT of Heat, guessing extraordinarily large numbers with no way to cheat... and through Heat also Friction and thermodynamic consequence - consequence missing from Cyberspace.
  • A world of Consequence... can be a foundation for Better Cyberspace. And with it, Bitcoin is logically the Money and 'Capital' of Cyberspace. The Decentralized Friction, Heat, and Thermodynamic 'Truth-Teller' of Cyberspace."
  • "Bitcoin is a digital defense system. Bitcoin messages, data authentications, transactions, they're unstoppable, un-corruptible, immutable, immune to tampering by any known cyber threat... you can protect the United States commercial and military and financial systems behind a wall of digital energy and that's exactly how we will do it. The, you know, even Elon Musk pointed out the AIs don't know how to hack Bitcoin they can spoof you out of your money they can convince you that they're someone they're not there's no way to trick uh, an 800 exahash digital wall that's based on Modern encryption."
The first example about the SAT I thought was remarkable. The language is nearly identical. The 2nd isn't identical... but interesting nevertheless. Truth in cyberspace through thermodynamic consequence, heat and friction (800 exahash).
There is A LOT to unpack in his speech and, in my opinion it's incredibly interesting. However this post is long enough so I'll have to cover it in another post.
So what do you think? Does Saylor read Stacker News? If you think so wave and say 'Hi Mr Saylor 👋' ;)
@Car says that they are all lurkers
32 sats \ 10 replies \ @Car 15 Mar
They are, they just can't disclose.
Jack Dorsey sends one tweet of Stacker News it goes Viral as fk, he will not do that because he understands the power that comes with that.
Jack literally doesn't need to do anything but just tweet it out, its kinda sad
If Jack tweeted about SN it would put it on the map overnight. But he only endorses things he backs.
Once you understand that everything in bitcoin makes sense. No one shills anything they are not invested in.
That goes for all the influencers and the people you look up to.
@jimmysong is the only exception I have seen, he keeps it real, everyone else including myself is a fake.
I would cut them some slack. The thing is, posting on forums like this is a different animal than posting on Nostr or X, especially for people that have a large following. Other than AMAs, it's really hard to manage the volume of responses. On X and Nostr, it's accepted that responders won't get a response or engagement if you have a big following. On Stacker News, it's not obvious who has a big following and who doesn't so a lot of people get frustrated with such accounts not responding. Heck, I get that a lot here and until the mute function came along, I didn't like that random people could troll me and show up in my notifications constantly.
Those experiences matter and places like this are naturally a bit more egalitarian and for better or for worse, it's not a great experience for them to post. Lurking, on the other hand, has little cost, so that's probably what they do.
26 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 15 Mar
Thanks for responding Jimmy, and for always keeping it real with us.
I'm all for lurking or using pseudonyms or being @anon.
My potential beef is two-fold:
  1. If they value Stacker News, but won't communicate that to their followers for selfish reasons.
  2. If they value content they read here, but won't zap it for selfish reasons.
Those things are bad for the bitcoin ecosystem we're all ostensibly working towards.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 16 Mar
It all comes down to understanding how attention flows within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Different groups have built massive audiences on specific platforms—some dominate Twitter, while others have captured attention on Nostr. Their primary goal is to keep engagement where it’s strongest, ensuring their audience remains active and loyal. Right now, there are no strong incentives for them to build an audience on SN, as the attention economy rewards them for staying put. Without a compelling reason to shift, they’ll continue to focus on the platforms where they already hold influence.
This in turn creates Bitcoin Attention Silos which might in the long run be a good thing.
SN will create their own version of these, lot of them we already know consistently make the Top 5 every week.
With the rise of AI will see more fake attention numbers on these fiat platforms with reply bots etc…advertising will exit and opt for something tangible and credible. We have seen this before from the switch to digital media in the early days.
SN is a rare bird and incredibly early on avoiding this trend.
Their primary goal is to keep engagement where it’s strongest, ensuring their audience remains active and loyal. Right now, there are no strong incentives for them to build an audience on SN, as the attention economy rewards them for staying put.
Isn't the appeal of Stacker News... to send and receive sats? whether it's custodial, node-on-a-phone or an 'always-on' Start 9... it's real sats and real Bitcoin.
For hanging out on Stacker News and sharing your ideas. What could have more appeal than that? Sats ie the money of ideas
I can certainly understand that, but I don't look up to anyone who conducts themself in such a way.
I respect people who say what they believe and share what they value, whether it benefits them or not.
Stacker News in my opinion is so much more ethical, wholesome, and transparent... there are few if any conversations about 'price' and they never dominate.
I can't even look at Twitter or Reddit anymore, it's a lot of speculation and 'group-think'. Posts to tell you 'what' to think instead of 'how' to think it's a really bad look.
My thoughts are my own I'll call out BS when I see it even if I get 'cancelled' (which I have been before LOL)
Somehow SN has done a great job allowing people to hold onto their own views. We often have little disagreements with each other, but it's usually civil.
I like how there are conversations NOT about Bitcoin. But using Bitcoin. Post a picture of your kitty-cat? Great here's some sats. Books, movies you like recently? Sats to post sats to comment... I think the whole internet should be this way.
That's cool
Yep, would be nice if they zapped the content creators.
74 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 15 Mar
My guess with these things is it's parallel invention (like calculus) and you both share much of the same source material. Ideas transmit incredibly fast, and are forgetful of their origin, and I'd guess you're both echoing each other to some degree. You might even be parroting him even and not know it.
If I had to guess he's never even visited the site, but I also bet on pessimism every time.
My understanding is that he was an aeronautical engineer... I'm the same (or very similar) so there's that?
If I didn't have the background in aeronautics I would have never 'got' Bitcoin
And when I heard that phrase about the Sat I couldn't believe it, I was like 'wow that's cool'
A common educational background can likely explain it. You're used to thinking in terms of units... engineers always ask "what is the unit?", and you're used to thinking about energy transfer.
His speech was absolutely brilliant and in my opinion is the most realistic path for Bitcoin going forward.
It's not 'the ideal path' but it's the most realistic big-picture
My opinions are my own. Bitcoin competes according to him with the US treasury market and could one day replace it.
That's a 28 trillion dollar market. In other words it's more than 'trinkets' on Amazon or being able to 'buy stuff'.
Censorship resistance and relative privacy... don't have to run contrary to a massive, liquid, safe-haven market which he is forecasting over the next 20 years.
What was the outcome of Bitcoin to eventually be... people hodling and buying fruits at their local market? OK what about after that? What does it become after that if it's as 'safe' and 'secure' as many believe?
It competes with huge, risk-off global monetary markets and everyone will want it. The biggest of which are bonds and real estate if we're being honest.
Bla bla bla fiat bullshit
If we use Bitcoin at the grocery and people want it... ok. If we use it at the mall and people want it... ok. If we use it online or to shop online and people want it... ok.
Every time we 'use' it for these things... and people continue to 'want it' more than they want to 'spend it' the value goes up.
As the value 'goes up' the 'value' of the network increases to compete with gold, then bonds, then real estate then other things...
until it competes with them all.
Lol yes that was basically exact same explanation. Are you Michael Saylor? 🤔
Nope. Great minds think alike though ;)
What else can be built on top of the Bitcoin network. Voting solutions?
Bitcoin imo should be simple. Send, receive, store that's it