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for me, it was on a pavement. When we were teenagers me and 4 of my friends and I had been to a house party, but nobody was allowed to crash there, so after it was done, the four of us just went to sleep on the pavement outside the house (we weren't even allowed to sleep in the garden on the grass at least), huddling together for warmth lol
I remember i was late for a shift at work the next day because the party was out in rural Wales somewhere and we got lost walking back to civilisation in the morning.
what about you guys?
I don't know which one is the strangest, but I used to do long bike trips, and here are some candidates:
  • In a tunnel under construction in the middle of a Swiss mountain. I put a yoga mat on the road and slept on it. The tunnel was lit, but it was closed to traffic. There was a lot of water dripping from the ceiling.
  • In a toilet cubicle in the bathroom of a hostel that wouldn't let me stay
  • In bus shelters
  • in the middle of a roundabout somewhere in northern Italy. It was midnight and I was tired and didn't have the time to look for anything better.
i would say the toilet cubicle gets the win for strangest lol
I slept in a sleeping bag in a garage for a month when I moved to California.
just the sleeping bag on the floor or was an air matress or something also an option?
Sleeping bags. There were three of us. It was a group house where we could crash for free for a while.
i drank a little too much at some hippie music festival, ventured out into the hilly terrain, and passed out close to a cow's carcass. it was a cold night. when i finally woke up, i decided that i will not end up like that cow, and managed to get back to camp.
close one, that's an easy way to accidently die
114 sats \ 1 reply \ @dagny761 15 Mar
I got stuck overnight at a rural Italian train station traveling alone (female) and was curling up on a bench when the station manager took pity on me… He let me sleep under a desk in the office which he locked up when he went home until the morning train… Very kind man.
terrible situation but nice to hear that human kindness saved the day :)
Under the sky in the wadi with just some knitted blankets somewhere around here. Was actually nice.
Inside a recycling bin converted into a hotel room
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 15 Mar
Many years ago, during a trip with a friend we were left without money for lodging, and we got ready to sleep in the town square where we were visiting. And just like about 11 PM when we plan the turn to sleep and another watch, a boy approached and talk to us, we talked, we tell him our plan and it turns out that he guarded a small ship on the town's dock and let us stay there for at least 4 days. We had to arrive after 11 PM and leave before 6 AM to avoid problems to the boy with the owners of the boat.
😂 Sincerely, it was a fucking adventure!
i love random strokes of luck like that
I once slept on the floor of a bus stop in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
That’s probably the weirdest place ever for me.
i hope the floor was at least somewhat clean
It was. New Zealand is a pretty clean country overall
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 14 Mar
Either jail when I got a DUI or my car in a Wal Mart parking lot when I was between places. I might've slept in an airport on a layover. I have a faint memory of trying at least.
What is the ratio of US drivers who (never) drive while under the influence of drugs/alcohol? Seems to be a bit of a cultural curiosity to an outsider. Some kind of token for being free enough to go against the redcoats?
Space capsule, duh
Lol the bushes next to a 24 hour diner, apparently I just never made it inside!
14 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 15 Mar
curled up in a shower with a stack of paper towels as my pillow
on the beach after a party, woke up completely destroyed by biting flies
Similar but mostly got attacked by ants.
that looks very cool
I don't even remember the places I passed out drunk. Definitely in a parking lot once.
is your truck one with a sleeper cabin?
I used to drive a sleeper years ago. It was misery, being out for 2 to 4 weeks at a time and coming home for a couple days sucked.
Now I'm in a day cab. I start at my terminal, make around 10 deliveries or so. Then when my trailer is empty I do pickups until its full again. I bring that trailer back to the terminal and go home for the day.
It's called LTL (less than load) a s we pretty much overnight deliver everything.
sounds very lonley and a bit depressing, but perfect for a serial killer whats in like sleeping in them, do you have to stay in truck stops all the time? i mean i guess you cant just park anywhere in a massive truck
Yea, I mostly stayed at truck stops or rest areas. Showers at a truck stop are pretty gross, wear sandles in there for sure.
It definitely gets lonely living in that little box, I'm happy I don't do it anymore.
I slept on the floor at school overnight (no mat, just rough carpet). I slept at a random bus stop bench in Thailand. I slept at many airports. One time I was in Kowloon, Hong Kong trying to sleep on the floor in a small apartment and I noticed a hole on the bottom of the wall - when I saw a rat peek in, I decided to not sleep on the floor there anymore :)
I remember sleeping without regrets when I emigrated from my home country to the one I currently reside in, crossing 4 countries, eating whatever I wanted, and carrying my suitcase like crazy.
On a backpacking trip, I couldn't get back to the car in time to get home. It was in a tent, but the terrain was so sloped, that it was a really uncomfortable night because of the slope.
I did a road trip in a van, sleeping in amazing national parks.
Also, when I finished my senior year, I got so drunk I wake up in a class mate house... I got no memory about how I ended up there.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Jer 14 Mar
Growing up a touring musician: there are too many to name.
The floor of A-1 Records in Indianapolis was always comfier it appeared at first glance.