- The current population of South America is 437,348,780 as of Thursday, March 13, 2025, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
- South America population is equivalent to 5.34% of the total world population.
- South America ranks number 1 in Latin America and the Caribbean among subregions ranked by Population.
- The population density in South America is 25 per Km2 (65 people per mi²).
- The total land area is 17,461,112 Km2 (6,741,770 sq. miles)88.1 % of the population is urban (383,659,794 people in 2024).
- The median age in South America is 32.7years.
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52 sats \ 0 replies \ @LibertasBR 11h
The majority of the population in Brazil and other countries is settled near the sea and rivers. In Brazil, there were some movements to populate the interior during the Empire and an increase in this settlement during the 20th century, but the distribution is still very uneven.