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Just released a tutorial on how to receive instant Bitcoin tips while streaming! No middleman, no fees, just direct Lightning Network payments (BOLT12) with real-time notifications 👀👇
This tutorial walks you through setting up a BOLT 12 payment code (offer) that displays real-time notifications whenever viewers send you Bitcoin tips.
The LNbits streamer copilot is much fun, you can provide animations for each zap on-screen. Here is a guide for LNbits streamer copilot: https://darth-coin.github.io/merchants/lnbits-stream-copilot-en.html
And you can have both with LNbits (BOLT12 and LNURL) if you run a phoenixd as funding source for LNbits. Here is a guide for LNbits + phoenixd https://ereignishorizont.xyz/blitzbank/en/
Really nice, never thought about phoenind+lnbits, testing this out asap!
Just realized @ConorOkus is here... ping me and I'll forward your sats!
No risk of against part, without a man in the middle and without third -party permits.
Bitcoin is freedom.
It is curious that many content creators still do not discover the benefits of "value x value"
It is curious that many content creators still do not discover the benefits of "value x value"
Not many are happy to create and share without expectations... that's probably why!
very nice, you have shared this tutorial, i agree with your post, thank you