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Personally, I think parents are still underestimating the harms of social media.
It's crazy how hard kids can throw now. This is a few decades ago, but I remember the first year I made the high school baseball team. I was 15 and was both a pitcher and catcher but I never got a chance to pitch until later years. I just played catcher that year and mostly backup. The first day of practice they had me catching the team's best pitcher. He was 16 at the time and throwing low to mid 80s. I was blown away. In regular league play I hadn't seen any guys that threw probably more than 70. Over 80 looked so fast. And now these kids are throwing low to mid 90s.
Apparently it's not actually good for their health, that they're pushing for such speed.
Personally, I really think Americans (and other countries too?) need to re-evaluate the priority of children's sports. But I'm not much of a sports fan so I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️
I hear it's really bad for their arms, especially thet young. The problem is, how do you regulate that? If a kid wants to go to the best college, he netter throw that ball hard.
I think it's a problem for the sports themselves to address, not the government. For example, the MLB/colleges could choose to punish junior programs that recklessly encourage unsafe practices.
I'm sure the parents will get private coaches. Gotta be the best somehow.
Yeah. To throw hard and pitch well you need to throw a lot. Throwing hard a lot will eventually mess up something, either your elbow or shoulder.
I probably can't throw 80s now lol.
Most people can't throw 60. But if you are an athlete you can probably hit 70.
I'm not much of an athlete
You are an aardvark though. What you are missing in athleticism, you make up for in strength.
Yeah, basically internet stuff.
I'll throw school into the mix, though. I think kids should mostly be having fun and playing, until later in their development. It takes so much less time to learn stuff later that early education is mostly pointless.
From what I hear, homeschooling can be done in a fraction of the time.
That's what so many parents found out during the pandemic. They'd finish the entire week's worth of government school assignments in a couple of hours and then wonder what the teachers were spending the rest of the time on.
1 adult corralling 30 kids and then teaching them all at the pace of the weakest link....
Way too much screen time.
Not judging. I let the TV babysit my kids too, haha.
It’s customary for parents in my country to hire helpers, but we don’t, so we slog through everything. But not keen to have to manage a maid
Probably using any sort of electronic device. I have seen parents handing their toddlers phones and tablets just to keep them occupied. My daughter is 6 and we still struggle to figure out how much screen time she can have because while we want her comfortable with the digitized world there is a noticeable change in her mood and behavior if she spends too much time on the tablet. She does her lessons on a laptop and that doesn't seem to have the same effect but it is also something to consider when allocating her tablet time. Try to get her outside for a walk or play every day and give her lots of time to play with her toys or draw/colour etc so she gets varied activity not just a full day of screens.
These devices are little dopamine hits over and over. Seriously, it can't be healthy.
I've recently deleted all my social media accounts see #890469 messengers, basically everything. My concern was my data and privacy, which I realized very late. Now I see how much my focus has increased; it really is benefiting my studies and everything I previously liked to do. Now I'm only on Stacker News and Nostr; they're not addictive at all and instead feed my brain with some great info. I would say the harm is real and dangerous. It was you all who inspired me, and I took matters into my own hands. I realize I was really a product for them before. I don't get the urge to buy stupid things influenced by advertisements anymore, and I don't get into stupid arguments anymore because I'm not there. I'm in so much peace now. But I do miss my conversations, group chats, and everything. However, nothing matters more now. It was do or die for me, but I did it. If any parents see this comment, please keep your kids out of social media at all costs!
I’m trying to keep my kids off socials til 16 my oldest 11 is already putting pressure on to let him have it as “everyone “ has it
Watching porn. Smoking e- cigarettes. Borrowing money to buy stuff.
I agree with you guys - screens. Way too much screen time, of all sorts.
Smartphone usage with unfettered access and social media exposure.