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His classic ‘Mark’s Little Book of Kinder Eggs’ and book of plug wirings were always in print and I think the ‘Assume This Phone Is Tapped’ sticker was also one of his. There are phrases I’ll always associate with his work like ‘Aggressive School of Cultural Workers’, ‘Demolish Serious Culture’, ‘Book Shops Not Bombs’ and ‘N©’. He belonged to the anti-establishment DIY scene who used whatever they could to make art, was involved in The Exploding Cinema early on as well as the international mail art scene. It’s shocking to know he’s gone, a truly one of a kind figure. I’m sad I won’t bump into him at the fairs any more.
The "mail art scene" sounds particularly cool. I'd love getting a weekly pleb-fashioned (cheap) bitcoin zine in the mail. If I had more hours, I'd make a physical version of our newsletter.
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I love DJ Food!
And +1 for more "mail art" / underground zines. Can't wait for the SN edition to drop