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I will put it easier for you: in one of my guides there are 12 words in plain sight. But are randomly (for the reader) arranged inside the text that will be almost impossible to find them and also know the right order.
I am the only one knowing the position.
I gave you that example not to start now to search them into my guide, but to do it for yourself. It will be insane to start searching them.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scroogey 23h
And these 12 words are the seed words for the wallet? Or the passphrase for the OpenStego cat image?
Or does the cat image have a completely different password (not 12 words at all)?
I guess I don't understand what the point is of putting 12 seed words in a cat image and encrypt it with 12 other words, which are then put into a public text, requiring me to remember 12 positions. It all boils down to me remembering 12 things :)
No, you didn't understand. The cats image is just a separate method or as a backup. The image is encrypted wuth stego and inside are the 12 words for a seed. No passphrase.
The 12 words insidebthe guide is just another method. Again are just spread among the guide text positioned in specific places so I can recover them if I need it.
Consider these methods the backup of a backup. I will not rely for example only on one place. I use different methods just in case of shtf and I cannot access o r if the methods.
For example the backup of these 2 methods is another one:
See the 12 high peaks in this picture? Each peak contain a resistent recipient with a word inside. So in order to retrive the 12 words seed you must hike all 12 peaks (and is not do easy). Also you need to know the order. So even if somebody will find a recipient, it will be useless.