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I'm an author and editor who dreamed up a way for bitcoiners and freedom-lovers to orange-pill the world through stories.
In 2023, we published the world's first bitcoin fiction anthology, Tales From The Timechain. The book featured stories from prominent bitcoiners like Knut Svanholm, Niko Laamanen, and Ioni Appelberg.
Here's a trailer made by 21 Futures contributor, Satillionaire.
This week, we are publishing Financial Fallout, our second book, which features the work of Graeme Shimmin, Max Hillebrand, and DJ Bodden. Trailer coming soon!
21 Futures is now a fiction imprint for Konsensus Network, allowing authors to publish stories and books with Austrian economics, libertarian, and self-sovereignty themes.
If you've ever wanted to write a story (about bitcoin or not), ask me how. Want to know about the publishing process? I'm here. Got an idea for our third anthology? Tell me.
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121 sats \ 1 reply \ @plebpoet 16h
hi, I am a fiction writer, but I find it difficult to write bitcoin into stories. How do you write bitcoin into stories? Do you use it to inform and frame the mindsets of your characters? Do you use it to project into the future, impose a reality? Do you use it as background loose framework, where all the conflict and interest happens on top but doesn't interact?
Normally, technology should not tale centre stage. We care about characters facing conflict.
For 21 Futures, the mission is to spread freedom ideology. Bitcoin fits into that, but the stories we publish must still be entertaining and emotive. THAT’S how we make people care. The worst submissions we get are just diatribes or manifestos about why bitcoin is good.
Oh, and Satoshi origin stories (eyeroll). I've read about 21,000,000 of them, and they are boring.
The are lots of interesting details about bitcoin, but those are good bases for stories.
A good starting point is a what-if.
What if you could mine bitcoin off planet using cheap energy? What if CBDCs were omnipresent? What if nation-states became obsolete?
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 17h
Who is the smartest person you've ever met?
@k00b are you not impressed?!
I’m the one who referred @TotallyHumanWriter to SN!!
How did you come up with fiction as the missing ingredient in bitcoin book land?
Until recently, all of the bitcoin and crypto-themed fiction was self-published and quite low quality.
It was authors trying to cash in on the mystery of Satoshi or those who wanted to expose 'crazy heists' and altcoin wars.
I saw fiction as a way to reach out to those who are not INTJ or INTP on the Myers Briggs scale. Most visionaries and early adopters in bitcoin come from a narrow subset or the spectrum and are technically minded.
Fiction lovers come in all shapes and sizes, but I thought Tales from the Timechain would engage both bitcoiners and nocoiners.
What reader responses in regard to “Tales From The Timechain” surprised or intrigued you?
The readers I meet all seem to have different reasons to read it and different favourites.
It goes to show that having a variety of stories and approaches is helpful to reach a wider audience.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 17h
What's the most surprising thing you've learned writing bitcoin fiction?
That it has limited shelf-life as a genre. In 20 years, it is unlikely that we'll have stories centred around bitcoin. It will jist be money.
In the 1990s, there was a glut of cyberpunk and digital futures because of the possibilities of the internet.
Now, other technologies are more engaging for sci-fi audiences because the Internet is ubiquitous.
Awesome, super cool. What’s next?
Getting more readers and writers on board.
We are looking to publish a few books in the next 2 years, including another anthology 2026.
We have audiobooks planned, and hope to figure out funding for a video series. That would be HUGE.
Can I use code BITCOINDOG for 10% Off?
Who wrote the short story “From Self-Immolation to Self Custody?”
The smartest person I've ever met.
... yes, but you can also use FUTURESEEKER if you are not a dog person.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @NovaRift 21h
Wow, exciting story! Can you tell your story on how you got interested in Bitcoins? Were you orange pilled before you became an author or after? Any advice for newbies on how to write a story? Sometimes I actually get lost after starting a story, as I can't think of much even though the start is pretty good. Thanks
I was orange pilled by a client I was coaching (writing improvement) in 2022.
I published my first book in 2018 and had been writing fiction seriously since 2014.
Some tips if you are new to fiction:
  1. Read a lot of the genre you are writing
  2. Join a community where you can give and receive feedback on your work.
  3. Do any fiction courses or learning you can, but not all at once!
  4. Plan stories thoroughly. More groundwork helps you to write to the end.
  5. Set goals you can reach - finish a story, submit to a magazine or competition, achieve publication, get your first pay.
Writing and publishing is a marathon, so learn to love the journey.
Good luck!
Writing and publishing is a marathon, so learn to love the journey.
Exciting story! I appreciate the advice. Thanks
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 17h
Which bitcoin concepts are the most important to weave into a fiction narrative?
Great question. I think the bigger societal effects of deflation and decentralization.
Maybe even what happens with harnessing power off planet or travel off planet (and the effect of spacetime on the blockchain).
For me, immediate concerns like NGU or finding a forgotten stack are less interesting.
There are so many what-ifs!
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 17h
What's your favorite work of science fiction?
I love True Names by Vernor Vinge (which I only read recently). Other than that, maybe Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino, or the short stories of China Mieville.
Awesome. SN has some great writers. You should check out the Books and Articles territory.
Yes, I'm a regular reader and occasional poster there.
Lots of great book reviews and writing news.
What do you write?
I post about sports in the sports territory. I enjoy reading other people's writing in that territory though.
This is the only long form writing I have done on SN. #417967
You are a one man referring crew.