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X was hit by a massive cyberattack. A powerful group or maybe even a country is involved
48 sats \ 3 replies \ @sox 22h
ukraine doesn’t even have the network to do all that 💀 like either it’s not them or Twitter is held by sticks and tape
50 sats \ 2 replies \ @NovaRift 22h
ukraine doesn’t even have the network to do all that 💀
Agree with you 💯
like either it’s not them or Twitter is held by sticks and tape
Good point, but I think it wasn't just because of the weak structure of X. It was a group of state sponsored hackers?
15 sats \ 1 reply \ @sox 22h
You’re right, could very well be something like that, I recall some group called Dark Storm saying that it was them? This action can be exploited very easily.
I found these two good articles
Based on a report by security firm Orange Cyberdefense, Dark Storm Team, which first appeared around September 2023, specializes in remote access, data infiltration, ransomware, and DDoS attacks. The group is seen as heavily pro-Palestinian and targets state organizations that support Israel. So far, Dark Storm Team has focused its attacks on key business sectors, mainly in Israel and NATO member countries.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 21h
Lol? 🤔
Maybe even NSA, CIA or other three letter agency.