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What Is This?

This is a recurring post inspired by discussions had by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to release a new Golden Oldies every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
I guess this week is focused on privacy and security. When I first began exploring the lightning network a few years ago, Amboss was my main resource. I never considered the issues raised in this post. It was a real eye opener for me. I also stopped using Thunderhub as a result of this post.
Yes, I know this post is only a few months old, and I know it’s “only” a link post, but I found the article so interesting I had to give it more attention. I am so ignorant about this stuff. I always wanted to learn more about how the dark web functions. I also learned about security issues with ordinary web sites. The person (people?) behind this drug marketplace have built a site that should be a model for web developers everywhere.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Here’s a link to last week’s post:
Logo design by @plebpoet
It is indeed interesting and useful to understand the solutions they use to stay safe and private. Something that should also be standard in surface markets, but for obvious reasons it is not since they need to know who you are in order to push targeted advertising to you.
The use of PGP and the banning of certain programming languages.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @aljaz 11 Mar
i strongly agree with the sentiment that everyone should learn a lot from dark web marketplaces
Thanks Siggy, I missed the darkweb post (or just didn't follow the link) when it was originally posted.
Yeah, that was a good article. I don't know much about that stuff
I don't either and I'm often idly curious about it.