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Day #245 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Note for BlokchainB
Want to harvest this nut? https://docs.cashu.space/wallets
If a meme/gif Decode this nut https://memeamigo.lol/decode
If a note reveal this nut here https://publicnote.com/
although I harvested, I was trying to work out the logic and failed (I tried 'quote reply' then a copy and paste on each nut )
would this not show up if the nut was harvested? or was I doing something else incorrectly?
The text?
i made a typo, i meant to say, i failed to harvest. lol
Basically i can't see which bit to copy
Maybe someone deleted it?
is this some cool new tech thing where the string magically disappears once harvested?
would leaving the string there somehow aid the bots?