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Sure, I'll take a shot at this. To be honest, I got quite an advantage with my guess, because so many have already made guesses and I can factor out all the incorrect guesses. That said, is your favorite Raptors player Alvin Williams?
Boom first try! A fellow Raptors fan understands.
Remember this shot @grayruby?
That was a huge series win for the Raptors. How could I forget?
Against my Knicks at that
Knicks had their number the year before.
116 sats \ 1 reply \ @gnilma 11 Mar
It was a sweep in 2000, right? 3-0 Knicks? Back then, first rounds were best of 5, now everything is best of 7. Soon, they're going to make the play-in best of 7 too just to have more games, haha.
A lucky guess while riding on the advantage of guessing late. Thank you @BlokchainB for the sats and thank you @grayruby for asking me to make a guess.
He's clearly not a household name, so what made you love Alvin Williams?
Gamer, leader, clutch, played most of his career on two bad ankles yet left it on the court every night. Loved my teammates, coaches and fans.