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@denlillaapan prodded me into writing this.
What do I think about the idea that Trump is making Europe great again?
I chuckle honestly. I'm far from an expert on Europe but I have been paying attention to the EU since the early 2000s. On the one hand they are basically admitting that they have been passively ridding on the US's dime for decades. I mean, anyone that is paying attention and honest knows it. The establishment in the US wants to keep the status quo because the US is an empire. Trump looks at it differently. Like, what are we getting for all this money we are blowing? Russia is NOT the USSR. The world has evolved greatly since the 1990s and NATO was designed for an enemy that no longer exists.
On the other hand I wonder if the US leaving NATO will lead to wars in Europe. I don't buy the lie that Europe is united. I know many Americans do but I don't buy it. There are centuries of conflict in Europe and I wonder if we will see that come back. If it does I'm in favor of letting them work it out themselves. These conflicts need to be rejected by each people group for what they are. Elites seeking to gain more land, power, and wealth at the expense of the blood of plebs.
I think this headline is funny because already I'm hearing division between the Germans and the French. Europe is a mess and I don't see them improving as a result of this. Now... if we continue to see more anti-EU movements arise there might be a chance. Those groups get called far right. I don't really care what they get called. They sound like people that want to move back the halls of power to their own capitals instead of Brussels.
I'm guessing that right now arms companies are pitching EU scum hard. The hookers and blow are likely flowing freely. I bet they are writing up plans on how to spend more of the money of Europeans on arming the EU. Its gonna be a huge market. People that just swallow what these evil liars say in front of cameras are fools. I don't buy what they are selling. I don't buy the moral marketing of war nor the moral opposition to the "bad guys". They are all bad guys. Some are worse. Putin is likely worse but that misses the point. The point is ending the open war that is killing far to many people.
I pray this conflict finds resolution soon. I never dreamed it would go on this long. Its insane that it has. Its insane that a US president hasn't tried to talk to Putin until Trump. Trump is no savior but at least he seems to be trying to take a different approach. I think his positions on Israel, Iran, and China are terrible but I hope he lives long enough to negotiate a peace deal that sticks in Ukraine.
Yeeeeee-haaaaaaaaaah leeesgo.
More pooh-pooh in silly Europeans and their silly European opinions
i'm not sure Europe can every be great again in the traditional sense. they've just spend the last decade fucking about, keeping themselves busy with redtape and figuring out ways to greenwash everything.
if Europe could just stop being shit, drop some red tape and embrace innovation and entrepanership, that would be a start.
The answer might end up being yes, if Europe is forced to stop acting like a lazy welfare bum and starts valuing productivity and creativity again.
That's possible and I welcome it. Just seems unlikely. We can hope that localism will win over globalism.
Maybe, just maybe... telling people to be self-reliant is the first step to making them great (again)
You really think appeasement will work with Putin? And how do you see Chinas role in this?
Putin/Russia have only been able to invade Ukraine because they have had Chinas tacit backing and China has agreed to not only buy their oil and gas (at a discount to world market prices) and pay for it via channels outside of SWIFT/USD. I see Russias invasion as another step in China exerting its role as a super power capable of over riding the US led global order that has existed at least since the fall of the Berlin wall. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/russia-and-china-unveil-a-pact-against-america-and-the-west
Iran is an even longer running example of a hostile nation only capable of functioning due to Chinas support.
China is now demonstrating the ability to sustain two major fossil fuel export nations despite them being excluded from SWIFT. Others are watching and realising the USA is no longer the only option. Being the largest most productive export nation naturally gives China the motive if not imperative to develop monetary/trade payments hegemony to match its trade dominance.
Trump seems to be acknowledging that US global hegemony is no longer sustainable - $35 Trillion debt and Chinas rapid advance in military power leaves Trump seeking to retreat into the role of a regional hegemony over the Americas- leaving US traditional allies to fend for themselves.
Who knows- Europe may choose to side with China as there is more to be gained there on a purely trade based level.
The US empire is in decline and China is rising- it has already won the trade war and Trump seems to accept this and to be in damage control.
Anyone pretending that Krasnov is not in Putin’s pocket and especially parroting Kremlin talking points like the OP need to either have their heads checked or fuck off back to Moscow
Notice how Krasnov attacks all the US Allies for bullshit that make no sense, only to score points with the illiterate redneck MAGA NPCs but fails to even utter a word of criticism against a brutal ruthless dictator that has been attacking neighbors of Russia since 1992 and is hellbent on destroying the US
Krasnov knows all he needs to do is deliver the US to Putin, MAGAs are just complicit scared pussies who will realize that the second amendment was written with Trump and his Russian owners in mind
You really think appeasement will work with Putin?
Is talking appeasement? I hope it works. The US has negotiated with bad dudes in the past to save lives and end conflicts. Its wild to have lived through times where many were decrying the refusal to have open talks by republican leaders and hear those same people criticize seeking to end this war.
Honestly. My position is that this is not the business of the US. But, the reality is that the US is all mixed up in it due to its control of NATO. The idea that Putin is in the power position is utterly foolish. He obviously has leverage but he's surrounded by NATO nations with US funded installations.
This situation didn't happen overnight. It took decades to set up. Many mistakes have been made. I just hope that saner heads prevail and the conflict is resolved. This endless stalemate stuff is utterly foolish and irresponsible.
Great again? Changing sure, but Europe was only ever great under the Roman Empire or when the monarchies had dominon over the world via their colonies.
What's happening today is the US refusing to continue being a bankers colony, and chipping away at Canada's colonial status as a matter of it's own security.
We haven't even gotten the EU tariffs in the currency war yet. The underpriced scenario is Europe, in its current form, is already over and simply being divided up with the semantics of the map being allowed to play out.
Why would a self interested US come to defense of the baltics? What "cards" does the UK have but to officially become a US protectorate or even a state after Canada? Germany is so cucked it's incomprehensible. France can have it's own little sphere, but then there's the Turkey wildcard.
It might not be the WW3 you expected but this is what 5GW looks like.