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Losing an hour sucks, why do we do this to ourselves. Who are the knuckleheads who came up with DST?
if you have the patience for 25 min (or whatever the full read is), Nate Silver convinced me that we should keep it. https://www.natesilver.net/p/save-daylight-savings-time
Permanent DST sounds like something I can get on board with.
I'm wondering who are the economic interests that oppose any changes to DST (coz it keeps getting proposed in California and then voted down)
status quo bias?
Voter dispersion? (i.e., few passionate people wanna get rid of it and so keep introducing bills, but voters generally aren't that bothered by it, so don't support it?)
I remember reading some arguments that it would be bad for the economy because of adjustment costs and frictions with other states. Not so sure I buy that argument but I'm wondering who is pushing them.