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Ah, actually that makes sense.
LN development moves MUCH faster than Bitcoin Core. There are some protocol upgrades that CLN may have that LND does not.... and vise-versa.
I was super bullish on what Bolt 12 had to offer when it was in development. Can't wait to see it in the wild.
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The first time I used it was setting up my LN address with Ocean. @k00b says that Stacker News will support it in the future, although I guess it's too complicated to be spending the time on now.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 14h
The code is already written (has been written for months now by @rblb). We just need work on the wallet "foundation"/UX first before we add new wallets and deal with support requests for them. It's been slower going than planned as it's mostly ek working on it and he's been moving/traveling, but definitely expect it in the next few months.