The photos I'm sharing today were a job I did for a quinceañera who was celebrating her birthday on the same day as the photoshoot. She told me she had her makeup done and took the opportunity to hire me for the photos a few hours later in my studio.
The girl arrived at the studio accompanied by her mother, and they brought balloons and a cake for the themed birthday photos.
I started by taking a couple of photos with the balloons, guiding her with poses to have variety in the photographs.

For all these photos, I used my Canon RP camera with a 35mm lens at 4/f and a single light source, my speed lite flash with a 50cm octabox at 45 degrees from the model.

Then we took a couple of photos with the birthday cake:

And to finish the photoshoot, the girl asked me to take a couple of photos of her back since she wanted to show off her beautiful hairstyle with the crown.

It was a super fast and efficient photoshoot; we got very nice results, and the girl was very happy with her photos.
I hope you like them as much as we do!