Some time ago I was hired by a pizzeria in my city to take some photos for their social networks, so I went to the place and did what I could!
To begin, I took photos of the process while they were preparing the pizzas we were going to photograph:

Once they had all the pizzas ready, we took them to one of the tables and I started by photographing all the pizzas together.

What makes this pizzeria special is that they sell "mini pizzas" for just $1.5, making them a very cheap option for everyone in the city, so they needed some photos to advertise them.

And then I took a couple of photos of some of the pizzas individually:

The person who hired me to take these photos confessed that she chose me because she had seen my videos where I photographed strangers and she needed that skill for this occasion, she wanted me to ask some of the customers if I could take some "lifestyle" photos while they ate pizza and in exchange for letting me photograph them we were going to give them a pizza.
I started by telling a girl who was with her friend and they agreed, I sat them where all the pizzas were and took this photo:

A few minutes later a large group of friends arrived so I asked them and they said yes, we took exactly the photos that the pizzeria needed!

I took many more photos that day but here I only show you the ones that I consider the best and I hope you liked them as much as I did, thank you for so much!