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I get asked every now and then if I'm shooting HDR or Focus stacking or if I use filters. The answer is no, I like to keep things as simple as possible... I personally hate tripods lol and HDR and Focus stacking would require that... I've gotten rid of everything that makes me second guess myself when I'm shooting.. such as zoom lenses that make me second guess myself every shot.. zooming in, zooming out trying to frame things... the moment may have passed.. I shoot 100% prime lenses and this has solved that problem for me personally.. Personally I feel like the less I have to think about gear and even gear reviews.. the more I can just put my mind 100% into each shot. If I have a camera body a cheap 50mm lens. I can have a blast shooting all day.. If I have to have a tripod to think about then filters.. and lots of lens choices.. Should I use this lens or that lens? So with that being said this or that lens is the best for this or that.. Just typing this makes my brain try to eat itself trying to find the logic lol A camera, a choice of lenses for the day and a classic Lightroom to edit. I'll have a great day of shooting 🤗 This just works for me personally.. because I'm notorious for second guessing myself and having too many options can bring on anxiety lol I believe less is better.. I believe the best camera to have is the one in your hand.. even if it's just a phone
this territory is moderated
Really good photographs!
Fantastic lens! And work!