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I find I do this quite a bit, and there's not much I can do about it. An example would be when I have to pay the school bus fee, and I hand over a wad of cash and can't help but think 'think how much bigger my stack would be if I could spend this on sats instead.'
Even when I logically know it's a must-spend scenario, my brain will often still do this.
Even if I hear something in the background, like someone bought some expensive thing a few years, my brain will immediately start calculating how much better off that person would be, in fiat terms, if they had bought some btc instead.
it;s like some ngu / purchasing power go up thing has been etched into my brain.
any of you have this issue?
and I hand over a wad of cash
You had cash? Must not be "on zero" yet! You coulda bought BTC instead. Then, you'd have a much harder time paying the school bus fee. Heck, you might even have to buy fiat with sats and pay exchange fees, and onchain/lightning fees, and taxes just to pay the bus fee. Suddenly, making your kids walk to school doesn't seem so bad... tell them it builds character!
Wealthy people aren't just good at saving, they're also good at spending such that it affords them the wealthy life they enjoy living.
my brain will immediately start calculating how much better off that person would be if they had bought some btc
Give me enough time and I can put together a series of backwards-looking trades that would have outperformed BTC in the same timeframe.
Hindsight is 2020, woulda, coulda, shoulda...
BTC is your bias, other people might hear how much you spent on BTC and think to themselves, "damn, if only stack_harder had put those fiat dollars toward a down payment on a ranch in the midwest, he could have so many cows and a huge estate to enjoy with his family. But he'd rather gawk with his internet friends about BTC. Poor guy..."
Just recognize that you know whats best for you, and no one else.
yeah, i live in Bulgaria and cash is still very common, not only that, there isn't even an option to pay for the bus online or with a card, cash only lol
i always feel worse psychologically when handing over physical money
but you're right, if normies were to learn i was spending money on btc they would think it was a waste, although i could deliver a ngu chart slap down if required lol
Cash common almost everywhere. Its one of the only ways to transact freely (as in no txn fees)
I hate buying things now. I literally never want to buy anything except sats.
makes it even worse when you think of things in sats as well lol
I don't do that yet, but I think 1 million per coin is exceptionally likely, so I 10x the price for everything in my head. Makes most things not worth it.
i like that you're also mentally thinking about the devastating cost when prices are at one mill a coin lol
I try not to think about the possibility of it hiting something like 10mil.
what about the saylor 13 mil base case? i won't even mention the triple maxi scenario lol
"all the time[,] it's the only way to fly"