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v0.10 is in alpha testing version now and soon in few days will be available the beta. You can install pre-releases if you DO NOT use the shitty google play store, but Obtainium (direct install from github source) - as it should be done by all bitcoiners.
I’m unclear about how long the liquidity purchase lasts (1 month, 6 months, 1 year?).
That is for when you BUY an empty channel from a LSP and you choose the period you need that channel. After that period, usually the LSP will close the channel automatically. But some LSPs (like Olympus) are introducing a way to renew your channel lease with extended period, without closing that channel. If you need that channel more time and don't want to close it.
Some users prefer to close and open new channels, some prefer to keep the channel open as long is possible. Depends of the use case, size of the channel etc.