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40 sats \ 3 replies \ @398ja 5 Mar \ on: Who are the best intellectual defenders of stronger intervention in Ukraine? Politics_And_Law
We seriously need to entertain the possibility that we may never hear any good argument because the whole narrative favouring more intervention is very likely coordinated state propaganda.
Remember five years ago, the only permissible opinion was that ONLY mRNA "vaccines" could end the pandemic, and favourable opinions on HCQ, the "horse dewormer", vitamin D, or better metabolic health was labelled as "antivaxx", fraudulently banned, or at best ignored.
I can even go back to the irak war, and recognise the same template playing out... "You're either with us or against us"
And in all the cases, we all know how that turned out...
Aid to Ukraine is a vehicle for money laundering. Very few people are willing to die for Ukraine. Volunteers are welcome to fly to Ukraine. No one is stopping you. I myself have personal vendettas but Ukraine is not one of them.
Even Zelensky said he hasn’t received all the money sent to Ukraine. He can only account for half of it. Where is the other half?
Who will assist with the reconstruction of Ukraine? USAID? Clinton global initiative?